Terms and Conditions

Our Terms and Conditions consist of those applicable to the website and it's usage and those applicable to sales and our products. Please ensure you read and understand both sections as you will be bound by the clauses contained in them by your continues usage of our website and products.


General Information

  1. This website, biologybreakdown.co.uk provides users with digital content in the form of downloadable documents and educational videos. By using this site and purchasing products from it you accept that you are bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not accept them, please do not use the site.
  2. We may change these terms and conditions at any time. Whether you are aware of these changes or not, you are bound by them if you use this site.

Website Use

  1. You have permission for temporary, non-exclusive use of the site. Biology Breakdown reserves the right to withdraw or change the content of the site and these Terms and Conditions at any time without notifying you and without having any legal responsibility towards you.
  2. You are responsible for configuring your devices to access the material and content on our site including downloadable files and resources when purchasing our digital products. Although we do our best to protect our site, we are not responsible for any viruses, bugs or similar issues.
  3. You must treat all logins and that you obtain from the use of the site as confidential. If we think you have failed to keep confidentiality, we may disable any such information, including your passwords and other codes.
  4. If you do not use the site according to the law and these terms and conditions, we may suspend your usage, or stop it completely.
  5. You are not allowed to copy, modify or duplicate any part of the site. You are also not allowed to sell, distribute, commercially exploit, or make of the site and/or any documents or online resources on the site available to any third party.
  6. We frequently update the site and make changes to it, but we have no duty to do this. This means that content on the site may be outdated or incorrect. We will have no liability to you for any losses or damage you may suffer from your reliance on any of our materials.
  7. We use a payment processor (Stripe) to process card payments for our products, and so we do not hold any credit card details on our system. We collect only minimal customer data to provide access to our products and we do not share any customer details with any third parties.
  8. If you do anything which is a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (such as for example; introducing viruses, worms, Trojans and other technologically harmful or damaging material) your right to use the site will end immediately, we will report you to the relevant authorities and provide them with details of your identity.
  9. You must not try to obtain access to our server or any connected database or make any ‘attack' on the site.

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the site and in all of the material hosted on the site including any databases that hold relevant information about the site. They are protected by copyright and you may only use any such material and the documents in line with these terms and conditions.
  2. If you do not use the materials in line with these terms and conditions you lose your right to use our site and must destroy or return any copies of documents you have made of it or any part of it. We reserve all our legal rights to remedy any such breach.

Website Availability

  1. We strive to ensure the accuracy of information held on our website and in our products but do not guarantee that accuracy. You are responsible for the way you use its content.
  2. We shall not be held liable to you for any loss or damage from using our site or products, including but not limited to loss of profit or income; loss of prospects or agreements; loss of goodwill or reputation; or loss of contract.
  3. Although we try to ensure the site is available at all times, we do not guarantee that your use of the site will be uninterrupted. We are not responsible for any loss or damage you may suffer resulting from any interruptions, errors or the transfer of data and you acknowledge that the site may be subject to limitations, delays and other issues.
  4. Any duty of care owed to you by us is owed to you alone and no duty of care is owed to any third party.

Links To and From Our Site

  1. You are allowed to make a link to our site from your website or social media page as long as it does not contain content that:
    • is abusive, offensive, contentious or controversial,
    • infringes any rights of any other person
    • breaches UK law or the law in any country from which it is hosted
    • suggests any endorsement by us or association with us unless we provide an agreement in writing.
  2. We reserve the right to end this permission at any time.
  3. It is your responsibility to ensure that any link to our website is accurate. We have no obligation or requirement to inform you if the address of our website changes.
  4. Links from our site to other sites are only for information. We do not accept any responsibility for other sites, the accuracy of their content, their privacy or advertising policies or any loss you may suffer from using and relying on them.


These Terms and Conditions of Sale apply to the sale of our digital products. Each time you purchase any digital products from our site, you will be required to confirm that you have read, understood and accept these terms before you can complete your purchase. You will not be able to purchase anything through our site unless confirmation is given, so please read these terms of sale carefully before ordering any digital products from our site.

Digital Products

  1. By placing an order for digital products through our site, you agree that you are legally capable of entering into a contract, and that you are purchasing our digital products for your private, non-commercial use only. You agree that you will not copy, sell or share any files or of access details with anybody else other than may be allowed under the terms of any licence that is granted to you as a part of the sale.
  2. By placing an order for digital products through our site you agree that we may store, process and use personal data collected from you for the purposes of processing/fulfilling your order only. We work with third parties to process your payment (for example, Stripe) and they will also have access to your personal data to enable them to help us process/fulfil your order only.
  3. All of the digital products that are available for sale on our site are owned or controlled by us. Upon payment of the price for any of these digital products, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable licence to use the digital products for your own personal, non-commercial use.
  4. You shall not redistribute, sell, lend, or transfer any digital products that you purchase through this site.
  5. You are responsible for ensuring that you do not lose or destroy any Digital Product you purchase through this site.
  6. You are responsible for ensuring that any hardware you use functions correctly with this site. You agree that the provision and setup of any hardware and software is your responsibility and is at your own cost. We are not obliged to ensure that our products are compatible with every manufacturer of device.

Placing and Order

  1. After placing an order for any digital products via our site, you will receive an on-screen message and e-mail from us acknowledging receipt and setting out the details of your order.
  2. The contract for the purchase of any digital products will only be formed when you have agreed to our terms of sale, we have received payment in full for the digital product you are purchasing, and we make the digital product available for download. We reserve the right to reject any order we receive at our discretion.

Product Availability

  1. All digital products featured on our site are subject to availability. We reserve the right to change or remove a digital product or other content on the site at any time without notice or liability to you.
  2. Digital products will normally be available to download immediately upon purchase although we make no guarantee of this (for example, if the site is taken down for maintenance or there is another technical issue). In such cases, we will use our best endeavours to give you access to your downloadable digital products as soon as possible following your purchase.
  3. Where we are unable to provide you with any digital products that you have purchased, you agree that we can offer you either alternative goods to a similar value (upon your agreement that the alternative goods are suitable) or a complete refund. We will not be liable for our inability to fulfil a particular order from you.
  4. To allow you to access the digital download from different devices, each of our products can be downloaded multiple times. Each product has a download quota. Once you reach this limit you must purchase the item again if you wish to obtain further copies.
  5. All purchased products must be downloaded within fourteen days. After that the download link will expire and you will have to purchase the item again to obtain further copies.

Price and Payment

  1. The price of any digital product will be as quoted on this site at the current time and will be shown inclusive of any VAT.
  2. Prices for digital products are liable to change at any time, but changes will not affect orders in respect of which we have already taken payment and made the download available.
  3. By providing the details of a credit or debit card or payment account to be debited, you confirm that you are authorised to purchase the digital products and that you have the permission of or are the holder of the credit or debit card or other account being used to pay for the transaction. All card payments and cardholder details may be subject to validation checks carried out by us and/or the card issuer. If any validation checks are required, we will not be held liable for any delays or non-delivery nor are we obliged to.
  4. In respect of validation checks and authorisation carried out by the card issuer, if the issuer of your card refuses to authorise payment we will not accept your order and we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery or any bank charges applied to you. We are not obliged to inform you of the reason for the refusal.


  1. In accordance with Distance Selling Regulations, you have the right to cancel and obtain a full refund within 14 working days of purchasing our digital products but only if you have not downloaded the digital product made available.
  2. If digital products are found to be defective, we shall have the right to fix the issue and restore the digital products to functioning order, or offer you a repeat download. You shall not have the automatic right of refund. You must notify us within 30 days of download of the digital product that it is defective at biologybreakdown.com/contact. If we are unable to fix it and a repeat download does not resolve the issue, we will provide you with a full refund within 30 days of ascertaining that the issue cannot be resolved.